
High School and Community Center
ICB Audio & Video designed and installed the conference room at this high school. The technology at this school is some of the most sophisticated in the state and their conference room installation is a prime example of this. ICB Audio & Video performed the complete bid spec design for this project including CAD drawings and documentation. This is probably the most significant school system development in the Greater Cincinnati area. Design included video projection and an advanced control system.
This high school installation included a conference room consisting of 2 rear-projection screens, 1 video projector, A/V Conferencing System, 52 mics (one at each student station), distributed and zoned speech reinforcement system, video conferencing capabilities, surround sound system, document camera, 2 student cameras and one presenter camera for distance learning, and Audio-Visual capabilities.
Each location has a microphone and via the matrix mixers in the system, speakers in the ceiling are attenuated whenever a microphone directly below the speaker is being used. Cameras automatically locate to the microphone in use so that an image of the person talking becomes available for teleconferencing or event recording.
In addition to the conference room, ICB also designed and installed a full theatre and multiple other locations of audio and video throughout the facility.