
Videoconferencing/Lecture room
ICB completed a series of design/build teleconferencing/video streaming rooms for this Business College. Room 108 is one of the premiere rooms in this group. This includes four projectors and screens, robotic cameras, microphones, video feeds/VCRs, multiple monitors and a sophisticated control system over the entire installation. This particular installation was designed specifically for teleconferencing and multi-projector presentation. This installation required extensive initial planning as well as control system programming to achieve the end product. Even after construction delays, ICB achieved an operating system within the time frame requested by the University and to the total satisfaction of the administrators involved. Room 108 can be utilized as an electronic classroom or as a teleconferencing room using ISDN or IP. Different mode selections on the control system touch panel permit the instructor to switch between two operational environments.
Special features of this room include:
• One projection screen for local source, one for remote
• Two robotic cameras – one for the students and one for the instructor
• Automatic camera tracking of instructor during presentation
• Microphones for each attendee location
• Robotic cameras move to locations when microphone button is pressed.
• Record VCR switchable between remote and local sources
• Multiple monitors for instructor feedback – record, send video, computer, preview.
Room 108 was so successful that ICB was asked to design and install an additional series of rooms of similar capabilities for teleconferencing and streaming conferences to the web. A mobile teleconferencing system was also designed.