
Fountain Square
ICB performed the design and installation of AV systems in this well known gathering place in the center of Cincinnati. In the winter the Square features an Ice Skating Rink and associated festivities, and in the summer the Square is the venue for hundreds of concerts and events - all of which utilize high quality sound in the square and video on the big screen. The AV portion of the project comprised 3 major systems: (1) A video mixing and distribution system that routed video to the 24 foot by 42 foot video screen mounted on top of Macy's; (2) A sound distribution system that routes sound for the big screen and other program sources to speakers around the square; and (3) A stage and sound reinforcement system that is used for the many music events and presentations that are held on the square throughout the year. The physical installation behind these systems includes: A control room and racks with amplifiers and video equipment in the parking garage below the square; Cabling between all AV locations; AV connection boxes; Speakers and remote controlled pan-tilt-zoom video cameras mounted on poles throughout the square; A full stage with trussing and rigging to support the lighting system, Nexio line array speaker system, and subwoofers, and; A front of stage mix position with a Yamaha digital mixing console. The stage was designed by ICB with a truss and canopy that raises or lowers by pushbutton control using electric motors attached to the vertical support trusses. Everyday event operation is with the canopy in the raised mode. The lowered position is used for sound system and lighting adjustment as well as being a safety position if bad weather is anticipated. The whole stage structure was designed and anchored to withstand high wind conditions.